Monday, September 11, 2006

D&G Rules! Hurrah!

Hear ye, hear ye!

The AC Nielsen 2nd Quarter 2006 Car Survey says...

D&G Rules!

The Drive & Grind with Anne & Rye is the highest-rating show over Wave 89.1

In behalf of my partner (and Simon, hehehe) THANK YOU, dear listeners, for making the D&G your favorite afternoon staple.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

On top...yet again!

In the recently concluded AC Nielsen 2nd Quarter 2006 Car Survey, Wave 89.1 reigns again! Monday to Sunday, 5:30AM to 12MN, the metro's most influential radio station soars high, topping the charts, and leaving the other upscale frequencies eating our dust.
From the bottom of our hearts...THANK YOU dear listeners!

Wave 89.1 is #1...
on the road.