Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The D&G EB Party!

anne n rye
Last leg of Go 80s at Agogo happened last Friday, simultaneously with the D&G EB Party. Only a few members joined us, but Cafe Agogo was jam packed, and it was the best Friday ever! We had a blast! Thor and Natural High performed. After that, DJ Ajie did the mixes 'til a few hours after midnight. We were dancing to the beats of the 80s - Boy George, Kylie Minogue, Mike Francis, Madonna, Kenny Loggins, etc. It was absolute FUN! I was standing on the couch and dancing. Funny thing is, I wasn't even drunk! :) I was simply having a great time.
eb party 2 eb party 3
eb party 1
More pictures coming up.


must love dogs
Watched MUST LOVE DOGS with my honey over the weekend. LOVE IT! I simply adore John Cusack! I borrowed the book from my friend Pam, and have started the first few chapters. I must say, the flick is so much better. :)

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